New Max is responsible for the vertical production of Annatto Products

We are the first Brazilian company to manufacture NaturalMax tocotrienol, GG-Max geranylgeraniol, the tocotrienol+geranylgeraniol GT-Max compound and the natural repellent Germa D-Max.

Transforming health through tocotrienol

New Max Industrial is responsible for cultivating annatto seeds and producing NaturalMaxTM Annatto Tocotrienol.
It is the first Brazilian company to manufacture tocotrienol extracted from annatto oil.


NaturalMax Annatto Tocotrienol

Understand the characteristics and differences of NaturalMax Tocotrienol from Annatto. Check out the applications and health benefits.


GG-Max Geranylgeraniol from Annatto

Discover the properties and applications of this innovative ingredient! Learn about the characteristics and differences of GG-Max Geranylgeraniol from Annatto.